March 24, 2010

The Open ReedTM
Having given myself the freedom to explore and create, I have found a bit of success! There are still some ways to tweak this technique, but for the most part, I have found a great rhythm in using an open Reed.

I picture the roots of trees when I see this as I am weaving. The movement of light as the weft twists and floats across the warp while on the loom is only a hint of what this will be like off loom. What is adding to the excitement of this process, is the idea of non-function. I am not weaving a specific project ~ scarf, shawl, rug ~ but instead, I am weaving to see where this process will lead.

By letting the fabric speak for itself, I am hoping the textile will initiate a response of shared process, shared quest, shared interest with a viewer. I don't know how long this fabric will be, but I have a beginning.

1 comment:

  1. How did this project turn out? I would love to see photos. It looks very interesting.
