July 20, 2009

New England Weavers Seminar

A beautiful sunny day to work in the garden! But first, let me share with you my recent adventures.

I have just returned from the New England Weavers Seminar hosted at Smith College in North Hampton, MA. What a treat to see the work of other New Engalnd handweavers. I had two pieces in the Gallery exhibit and one triple layer weave (with copper, silk, wool, tencel) in the special exhibit "Imagination Unleashed". The work coming out of the MFA students at RISD and UMass Dartmouth is incredible! Fiber optic LED cables, wire, aluminum strips, saran wrap, paper, and the like, used in wall sculpture, upholstery, and clothing.
The fashion show had some interesting double weave, collapse weave, and of course, highly tailored jackets. But my favorite was a delicate and simple vest by Adelle Harvey that was handspun from paper and woven on a linen warp. Another piece of hers (a plain weave table mat) was in the Gallery exhibit and was spun from newspaper.
Sarah Fortin from New Hampshire has some incredible yardages using a double layer and supplementary warp technique. 
I am inspired to get back into the studio (after I play in the garden) and finish up the warps I have on the looms. One is a natural 20/2 perle cotton threaded in a 4H M's and O's variation with a fine merino and linen weft. This is the fabric for my wedding shawl with a matching vest for Keith. (He even said he would model his for the next NEWS Fashion Show).

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